Thursday, February 7, 2013


I honestly don't know how those blogging mom's do it, computer time is next to impossible with an infant. The only reason I'm on facebook as much as I am is cause I can do it one handed on my smart phone. Anyways, here are the updates in all things Julie:

Claire is 3 months old now. She's laughing, she's rolling over, she's 12 pounds, and apparently almost ready for solid foods, crazy how fast she's growing! I'm having so much fun dressing her up. No wonder there are so many teen moms, having a baby is like having a doll that you can dress up and talk to, and eat out at restaurants with without feeling like a crazy loaner. She's starting to talk to us too. We can't figure out what she's saying, but she does talk and make sounds and all kind of coolness. Here she is dressed like a pink nightmare.

I'm an aunt now which is really cool. Ken's sister had a baby boy named Henry. He's a spitting image of his dad. A little more fussy than Claire but still very cute in his own right. Claire seems to enjoy being a cousin, or at least having another baby to look at.

The above was written on December 14, it's now almost two months later and I found myself with the free time to write again. Seriously, how the frack do blogging moms do it?! Anyways, as nap times can vary between an hour and a half and just 5 minutes, I better get my blogging out quickly. Lets see, some updates:

-I'm back at work. I only work 3 days a week, and only 5 hour shifts. It really is the best deal. Claire stays home with grandma who's awesome with her and takes her for walks, and reads to her and watches Sesame Street and all that good stuff.

-We moved from our first house to our last house *Knock on wood*. We're buying Ken's parents house. It's a 5 bedroom/ 4 bathroom home and overwhelmingly beautiful. I'm torn on this. I loved our house, we made it our own, picked out cool paint colors, updated the kitchen. We've been in our new house for a month now and it does not feel like our house. Mostly cause it's filled with Ken's parents stuff, Ken's sister's stuff, and our stuff still mostly in boxes. Once we sell our old house, we buy this one and Ken's parents have money to build Ken's sister and her husbands house which they'll in turn sell to Ken's sister and use that money to build their house and everyone's stuff will be where it belongs. And on that note...

-We apparently picked the perfect time to sell. Our realtor is optimistic on how much our house will go for. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high but so long as we have the 20% for this house (which it looks like we will) and make back the money we put into the old house (which we definitely will), I'll be happy.

-Claire's freaking awesome! She's got two teeth already (one pictured to the right) and it almost crawling and sitting up. I'm uber in love with her and her epicness. When I was pregnant with her I was really hoping for a boy, now I'm really hoping the next one is going to be a girl too, and not just because Ken wants to stop once we get a boy. I'll blog more on that the next time Claire decides a nap is a good idea and I've finished all the chores I need to get done.

-I've joined a mommy group and made lots of friends. It's nice having a group of people that you can hang out with and talk about your kids without feeling bad cause that's all the others want to talk about anyways. That and whipping out the boob to feed your baby is not only ok, but expected. We also do the occasional mom's night out and stuff too though so it's not full on baby crazy.

-We've got an upcoming trip to Disneyworld this year. The trip will overlap my 29th birthday which is cool since I first went for my 9th birthday. It will be with Ken's parents, his sister her husband and son, Ken's grandma, aunt and hopefully Ken's younger sister and her boyfriend too. I'm very excited for this trip. Claire will be one, and therefore free to bring into the park yet still able to walk and stuff. Should be good times.

Anyways, baby's up and I gotta go back to mommying about. I'll try to blog again soon.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And baby makes 3...

Well, here I am, blogging for the first time as a mom. Still weird to think of myself as that. I know I have a baby, I know she'll call me mom someday, but yeah, I am now a mom in society. That's weird. Since she's deep in napping mode, I can reflect a little on how she came into our life. This is going to be long, and this is mostly for me so I can remember it while it's still mostly fresh in my mind.

I was due to have her August 27th (or 28th depending on which doctor you wanted to listen to). Towards the last few weeks of my pregnancy my doctor told me that I was most likely not going to make it to then. In fact around August 13th she told me I was not likely to go another week. This was quite a surprise to me as I had always assumed that I would go past my due date, both because it's common for first time mothers  and because I myself arrived 10 days late. I even had my last day of work as the 25th since I didn't want to waste my maternity leave on sitting around the house waiting to pop.

Another week went by and I didn't give birth, but I did start to have massive amounts of Braxton Hicks contractions. To those of you who don't know BHCs are "practice" contractions where you're not in labor, it just feels like you could be. They are irregular and are just the body preparing for labor. They are one of god's cruel jokes since each time you have one you stop and think, "oh my god, this is it, right? This is it! Should I call someone? Should I- oh wait, no, they're not regular and now they're gone. False alarm." which isn't awful but it happens like 4 times a day. At my check up that week I was told I was a few cms dilated but that's also pretty common before labor and doesn't mean anything. Due to Kenny's worry of me driving (something I still don't understand) and my doctor's insistence that I could go into labor at any time, I reluctantly called into work and said I would need to start my maternity leave a few days early. I only had a Friday and Saturday shift left but it really calmed Kenny having me done.

Thursday night a friend of Kenny's was visiting her folks with her two sons and we went over to visit and I basically got to grill her for 2 hours on labor, newborns, being a mom. Her older son was interested in me being pregnant since he just went through it with his mom. He talked to my belly and I told him hopefully the baby would be out within the next week so he could meet him or her. Afterwards, Ken and I headed over for dinner with my folks and my visiting uncle in my dad's favorite bar. Not the most family friendly bar in town but they do have good food there. I ordered some fries with nacho cheese and my uncle jokingly suggested adding hot sauce to help induce. I had been trying hot food for the past few weeks trying to get things going to no avil, but saw no harm in trying once more. We made plans to meet for breakfast the following morning as he was only in town for the day. Before going to bed that night I noticed a slight dampening but didn't think much of it.

Friday morning I was still damp and I started to wonder if maybe my water bag was leaking. I had heard that this could happen and water breaking wasn't always a big gush. I called into the hospital and asked them about it and told them I wasn't sure if that's what it was or if I was just sweating since it was a very hot summer. They asked me to come in to get checked out and Ken took the morning off work to come with me. I had to call my uncle and postpone breakfast and tell him that it was probably nothing and we agreed to meet for lunch instead. Ken and I grabbed our hospital bag and took one last pregnancy picture just in case and headed up to San Jose. I kept telling myself this was probably a false alarm and we'd be heading back home in an hour and asked Kenny to put up with me being sad if this wasn't it yet. I apologized in advance to the doctors and nurses that I was probably worrying over nothing and wasting their time. They checked and confirmed that my water had indeed broken, I was officially in labor.

I was checked into the hospital and we made all the phone calls we needed to. My mom said she was going to be coming over after work and my dad said he'd be there when he was needed. Thanks to facebook and chatty moms I was getting texts from numerous friends asking how the labor was going and if baby was here yet. Ken and I placed our final bets on what we thought we were having. Both of us agreed it was going to be a girl. My uncle and brother stopped by to say hi and my mom ended up coming in by lunch. She had wanted to be there for as much as it as possible but I had told her for the actual pushing I wanted it to be just me and Ken and warned her that it might be boring the rest of the time. They asked if we knew names and we said it was going to be Theodore Patrick if it was going to be a boy and something Aurora if a girl, we'd have to see what she looked like first.

My birth plan had always been spend as much time at home as possible, sleep and eat as much as I could and only go to the hospital right before hard labor. This plan was now shot to hell. Once the water breaks, you're supposed to deliver within 24 hours to help fend off infection. My water started to break at 10 pm the night before. Contractions were not happening regular or quickly enough which meant they would need to give me pitocin. Pitocin helps bring on labor but it makes the contractions much more intense. I had wanted a natural childbirth with no pain medication so this was going to be tough. By late afternoon they had to give me pitocin since it was going to be 24 hours. Dad called and asked if he should come by. Thinking he was just stopping by to say hi like my brother and uncle I had said yes. He apparently meant to stay the whole time. I felt awful since I knew it was still a long way to go.

The pitocin started kicking in and the bad contractions were starting. So very very painful. Each one Kenny was there for me with, helping me through it, reminding me to breath, focusing me on other things. Between these I was needing to go to the bathroom which was tough due to having an iv in and being attached to fetal monitoring machine and still trying to keep myself looking composed enough for my clearly uncomfortable father. Contractions were getting worse and worse and I could no longer hide the pain from a worried Kenny. I began to just cry out with each one and yell at my mom for suggesting pain medications between them. This was just the worse of it, it was transition, it'd be time to push soon since I really really wanted to push. The doctor came in to check me and warned me that she thought it was too soon to be ready to push, that she didn't think that much progress would be made, and it was dangerous to check me too often since my water already broke. I was sure I was at least 7 cms, I had to be very close to pushing time. My heart sank as she told me I was now at 3 cm.

Hours more of painful contractions went on, my mom, dad and husband all in uncomfy chairs watching me in pain and stubbornly telling the nurses I didn't want anything for it. I had come this far without anything. I had to be getting close. I began throwing up everything in my stomach between contractions so I couldn't even rest during the lulls. At 4 am on Saturday morning I agreed to take something to help take the edge off. It at least wasn't an epidural. This took my pain level from a 10 to a 7. It only lasted about 45 minutes and I wasn't able to take more for 2 hours. I was checked again. I was up to 5 cm. Not the 10 I needed. I was not going to make it. I looked at Kenny and asked him if he thought I should get the epidural. He told me it had to be my decision. I didn't want to disappoint my friend Sherry who had trained me on natural childbirth. I realized that this was the only reason I wasn't getting it anymore. I didn't care about bragging rights anymore. I wasn't worried about it slowing down labor. I had been in labor for 29 hours already, how much slower could it be? I agreed to get the epidural. I saw a wave of relief hit my parents and husband's face.

I cried the whole time through, though not because it hurt. I felt as though I had failed. The nurse we had on was so sweet and told me how hard I had worked and how the best thing for my baby was to make sure I was well enough to bring him or her into the world. Soon it felt as if my lower torso was underwater and I couldn't feel anything that was underwater. I had a contraction and could not even feel it. Once I told this to Kenny he almost instantly feel asleep after having been up for 22 hours straight. I was able to rest a bit, things were cheery. People were more optimistic as the sun was coming up. They gave me an oxygen mask and told me to take deep breaths with it so the baby heart rate wouldn't go down to much. I hated it and took it off every chance I could. At around 11 am the doctor checked and confirmed I was at 10 cms and asked if I wanted to try pushing.

Dad left the room but mom stayed. While I had wanted it to be just Kenny and me, I didn't have the heart to send her from the room. I couldn't feel one of my legs so getting in a squatting position was out of the question. I had my mom lift on one leg, a nurse at the other, the midwife ready to deliver. Ken was right at my back and helped move me forward when it was time to push and help me move back down when it wasn't. He kissed my forehead and told me he was proud. After what seemed like no time the doctor told me she could see baby's hair. I asked the color and she said brown. My baby has brown hair. That was something I new about him or her. More pushing, and I could feel pressure but not much pain. I was always sad to hear the head wasn't crowning yet tough. It felt like the head should be crowning. My mom talked to one the nurses between contractions about the differences in hospitals compared to when she was nursing. The nurse was interested and at times I wanted to remind them there was a baby coming out of me, and maybe they could chat later. The actual doctor came in and told me mid pushing that they could no longer get a read on the baby's heart rate due to how much I was moving so they were going to attach a monitor to the head. I wanted to protest but wasn't given the option to. She attached it and left the room. I didn't like her much.

After an hour or so the baby was crowning and I could feel it. I pushed with all my might and had a room full of supportive people telling me how great I was doing. I pushed out the head, I knew I could push the rest out with the next one. The body felt like it flew right out and I suddenly had this slimy wriggling thing on my chest. It was the oddest sensation. I didn't think "Oh my baby is on me." it was more like the feeling of a warm slimy octopus squirming on me. I had to tell myself, that's a baby. No, that's my baby. I made that. And I pushed it out. It's mine. I then realized I heard crying.  That's my baby's cry. That's what they sound like. The midwife reminded Ken that he could announce what the sex was. "It's a girl!" he said proudly. One of the nurses asked what her name was and I looked down and said I didn't know yet, I'd need some time with her first. I looked at Kenny and he had tears in his eyes, and a smile as big as the one I saw on our wedding day. Mom and one of the other nurses were also tearing up. Then I felt something strange on my lower stomach. "Oh, there's her first poop!" the midwife told me. I laughed, the first thing my daughter did coming into this world was poop on her mom. Once the cord stopped pulsing it was clamped and Ken cut it. The midwife stitched up my small tear and Ken and I were left to be by ourselves with our baby. She latched on and started nursing right away and it was time to talk names.

I apologized to Ken and said she didn't look like an Alice which was his favorite name. I also said she didn't look like a Lillian which was my favorite. She wasn't a Kaylee. She wasn't a Margaret. It came down between Coraline and Clarissa. Ken told me since I did all the work I got the final choice. I went back and forth with it. I thought Clarissa was just a little more her. The nurses came in to get her measurements and dress her.

Mom and Dad came in and asked if there was a name yet, I said we were pretty sure it was going to be Clarissa Aurora. More relief came over my mom as she told me she really liked that name. I guess my other name ideas were worrisome for her. I was brought a turkey sandwich for lunch which was nice since I haven't had lunch meats my entire pregnancy. We got moved down the hall for my recovery room which was much bigger and with a private bathroom and two tvs. It was the life of luxury. I checked my phone and was a little annoyed that my mom had already posted my daughter's name on facebook and hoped Ken's parents weren't too mad as when we talked to them we hadn't decided on a name yet. I also wasn't sure Clarissa was her name. I looked down at her and asked "Is your name Clarissa little girl?" when I saw for the very first time a smile. I know it was just a facial tick, but I still took it as a sign. And years from now when she asks why we landed on that name I can tell her that it was the first one she smiled at.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Top 5 Underrated Bands

While listening to the radio today I realized that I'm not hip with this new fangled music the young whipersnapers are listening to these day. I never thought I'd be an old lady at age 27, but I have. This got me missing the gold old music of my favorite bands like Green Day, Linkin Park, The Offspring, Foo Fighters, etc. I realize they are still touring and making new albums and I felt a bit relieved that someday I could maybe hear good music on the radio again. I then got to missing my lesser known bands that had really good albums and songs but I haven't heard anything new from in quite some time. I have no idea where these bands are or why they're not playing more. Maybe they are and maybe I'm just missing it. Either way, I feel the need to spread the word about these awesome bands (or at least songs). And so, here are my Top 5 Underrated Bands:

5. Jem

Ok, so not a band, more of a singer, but still completely underrated. Jem is a Welsh singer who came onto the scene in 2002 and albums include "Finally Woken" and "Down to Earth", rumors of a third to come out soon.
Song they're known for: "Maybe I'm Amazed"
A fantastic cover of Paul McCartney's hit which hit it big when featured on the show "The OC"
Song they should be known for: "Just a Ride"
A really fun bubbly hit that conjures up floating through some kind of Disneyland ride or psychadelic mind trip but brings you safely back.
Other great hits: "They"-haunting melody curtosy of Bach's Prelude in F minor; "24"- beautiful violins mixed with electric guitar and a ticking clock, you can't help but getting anxious and feeling the need to run somewhere before it's too late.

4. Jet

Australian rock band of the early to mid 2000's. I'd consider them sounding like modern day Beatles. Had a few albums including the very successful "Get Born" and less successful "Shine On."A quick peek at Wikipedia tells me they've officially broken up in 2012.
Song they're known for: "Are you Gonna Be My Girl"
Has played on numerious commercials as well as plenty of radio airtime. You have heard this song I'm sure.
Song they should be known for: "Look What You've Done"
When I first heard this song I was obsessed. Slow, melodic, but intense. Very similar sounding to something the Beatles would have written, but still a fantastic song on it's on.
Other great hits: "Cold Hard Bitch"- great rock song, sounds like one that would be fun to play in a bar; "Move on"-much slower, reminds me a bit of Pink Floyd's "Wish you were here"; "Kings Horses"- short and sweet, has the feeling that this song is a lot older than it actually is.

3. Harvey Danger

A Seattle indie rock band formed in the early 90's. Albums include "Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?", "King James Version", and "Little by Little" before disbanding in 2009.
Song they're known for: "Flagpole Sitta"
Featured in many a movie and still gets quite a bit of air time despite being released almost 15 years ago.
Song they should be known for: "Flagpole Sitta"
Yes, they are at least known for what I believe is their best song, but it really is their best song ever. It's the most played song on my ipod and I truly never tire of it.
Other great hits: "Woolly Muffler"- great build up and fun fast guitar work; "Jack the Lion"-my second favorite of the band, great beat and fun chorus.

2. Fountains of Wayne

Formed in New York City in the late 1990's. Still together and albums include "Fountains of Wayne", "Utopia Parkway" and "Traffic and Weather."
Song they're known for: "Stacy's Mom"
She does indeed have it going on. I actually briefly considered the name Stacy for a daughter just so I could have another theme song.
Song they should be known for: "Sink to the Bottom"
It's got a very Weezerish feel to it, but being a Weezer fan, I don't mind.
Other great hits: "Hey Julie"- Sure I'm completely biased here since it is an awesome song about how wonderful this chick Julie is, but it really is a sweet song; "...Baby one more time."- a cover of Britney Spear's first hit, they totally make it their own though.

1. Jimmy Eat World

Formed in the early 90's in Arizona, this band is arguably the most successful of my list, but I still find highly underrated. I was lucky enough to see them not once but twice in concert, both times opening acts and both times rivaling the headliner for who had a better set. With 7 albums out already, there's rumors of an 8th coming out soon.
Song they're known for: "The Middle"
A fine but way over played song from 2002, at least got these guys on the radar.
Song they should be known for: "Pain"
Such a great fast paced song that I dare you not to get pumped up when listening to.
Other great hits: "Sweetness"- unbelievably catchy; "Work"-has a sound to it that I can only discribe as Jimmy Eat Worldesq; "Chase This Light"- romantic and heartfelt

Monday, July 23, 2012

July update

Well I haven't blogged as much as I was planning on, this time I actually have an excuse though. Our house got broken into and my laptop was taken. Now I'm at the mercy of times Kenny's not on the computer in order to get in all my facebook/pintrest/etsy/blogging/superficial etc. time in. I considered writing a big long blog about how much getting robbed sucks (and it does, seriously, it happening to me for the 3rd time wasn't any easier), but it's just too depressing and I spent the last week getting over that shit. Bottom line is I'm safe, Kenny's safe, and our three kitties are safe. The didn't take anything from Pooh Bear's room and we have home owner's insurance. All the jewelry they took from my jewelry box were not nearly as prized as my necklace from Kenny (which I wear everyday because it is my favorite necklace ever) and my wedding rings (which I wear everyday because they are my favorite rings ever). I am also thankful that I just backed up my wedding pictures on our external, my fingers haven't swollen to the point where I couldn't wear my rings, and they didn't find our gun. Woot! No more tears over something that's happened and can't be changed. Just hope Karma does her thing.

In other news, 5 more weeks til Pooh Bear's here which means 5 more weeks of work til December, woot! Let's see if I crack and head back to work early due to cabin fever. I'm hoping having a baby will make the house seem new and everyday different. I don't know if I could last as a stay at home mom, but it will be fun to give it a test drive. I finished Pooh Bear's blanket which looks pretty darned adorable if I do say so myself (I do), it's gotten me back into the crafting spirit. I've already started knitting yet another scarf that I think will be fun to do for a few weeks until I get distracted by something shiny. If I were smarter than I would start up a cross stitch since that will be a lot harder to do with a youngster about. We'll see what I feel up to later. Maybe that's something I can do the week I'm off work before my baby shows up 10 days late cause that's what I'm betting is going to happen.

On the friend front I'm pretty much failing at life. I don't have the energy to make plans with people anymore so really I just wait til they seek me out. The problem is they seem to seek me out every other Saturday and every other Saturday I work. I've missed a baby shower, bridal shower and a wine limo tour birthday party because of it (that last one hasn't happened yet, but it's planned for my working Saturday). I don't know how much fun I'd really be at these things anyways since I can't drink, I'm constantly tired, and pregnant women tend to be attention getters. I understand those women who are constantly pregnant now since everywhere I go I get the "oh you look so adorable! When are you due? Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" Even me, the queen of look at me, am beginning to bore of it. But yeah, very impressed that people are still willing to go out in public with me. I actually don't have too many friends I would think of calling up to hang out with regardless. My red robin girls are fantastic and I love them, but nights out with them are always in bars, hookah and otherwise. They feel guilty drinking in front of me, which is silly cause I honestly don't crave alcohol at all. Hookah, yeah, I have to bow out of. But I can still go to a bar and get a cranberry juice. If only they let me. They don't invite me out anymore but I know once the baby gets here they'll be over all the time so I can take comfort in that. My high school friends I've been pulling back from for some time, due to some drama I just don't have the energy to get into right now. My old drama club friends pretty much just get together for weddings etc. The next wedding that's coming up is right after Pooh Bear's here so I'm having to miss it, which sucks cause I know it will be an epically fun and beautiful wedding. Welcome to parenthood I guess. The bright side is I do have a friend with kids, and I actually get to see her tomorrow. My sister in law is pregnant so she'll be in the same boat as me and we're family so she has to spend time with me. And my other close friend that doesn't live in LA or Fresno (who both call me from time to time and hang out with me whenever they're in town) I work with and she's actually been really awesome at planning nights out with our husbands. I think I'll be ok, just not as busy as Julie 3 or 4 years ago.

What it comes down to though is that I am happy in life, my life, however quaint it may be. Things are quiet right now but it is going to get pretty exciting pretty fast here. I'll try to keep up with the blogging for my two readers, but be understanding if I flake out.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What could have been...

I have a habit of rewatching old tv shows I've already seen a million times from start to finish. I do this most often with simpsons as they're the perfect show to put on before I go to sleep since I've seen them so many times I don't have to watch the screen, I see it all in my head anyways and I get to drift off to dreamland all the easier. While I'm awake and doing something I need to pay a little more attention to, such as crocheting, I like having something on in the background that I can passively be amused by. After going through Veronica Mars, Community, Firefly (which took no time), I stumbled upon Scrubs again. About 5, maybe 6 years ago I loved Scrubs. Couldn't get enough of it. Since then everytime I watch an episode here or there I've had this weird feeling that I couldn't shake. Like I shouldn't be watching it. I finally realized what it was.

When I first discovered Scrubs it was also a favorite show of a coworker of mine. He cracked me up, we got along really well and it became a bonding thing for us. When he'd have parties at his house we'd play the Scrubs drinking game. Both of us were single and I was told by another coworker that he had a crush on me. I wasn't exactly sure my feelings, but I couldn't say I wouldn't have given it a try. Nothing ever happened between us though. Maybe it's because he wasn't actually interested in me, but I am sure if he made a move, something would have happened.

Watching Scrubs takes me back to that feeling of uncertainty. That feeling like, all the right parts are there, why aren't we dating? There are a few other guys here or there that I sometimes wonder "what if" with.  What if I had asked him out, or gone in for a kiss? Would we now be together? Would it have ruined our friendship completely? Would it have saved me the embarrassment of those other douches I dated? Or maybe they'd just look at me like I was crazy for reading into something that wasn't there. Obviously, I love my husband and I am so glad that things worked out the way they did, but I do wonder if he still thinks of me when he watches Scrubs. I guess I just hope that I affected someone the way they affected me.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The last 100 days

Pooh Bear is due in 100 days. He or she could be a bit late, or he or she could show up early. Either way, there's a very real possibility that I could be holding my child 3 months from now. That's, like, so soon. Really really really soon. I wouldn't say I'm freaking out exactly, it's just all becoming way more real. Pooh Bear is a mover and shaker, gets the hiccups daily, doesn't like Indian or Mexican food, kicks when I play Tchaikovsky or when Kenny talks to my belly. He or she already has a personality already. I'm so excited to meet my little one but at the same time I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

I'm just not sure what to do. We haven't finished up the nursery yet, but there's nothing I can do with that since it involves heavy lifting which I'm not allowed to do. We haven't picked out a girl's name which I take full responsibility for since I hate every single girl name. I've been taking the birthing classes which have been great, I've been exercising, eating right and finally put on some weight after 5 months of trying. I just still feel like I'm playing a waiting game and there's gotta be more that I can do. I'm just not sure what that more is.

Rather than focus on the negative though I'm going to focus on what I got going for us right now. We already have the crib bought, the changing table was bought for us already as well. The nursery is just a weekend away from being completed. We have a fantastic boy name picked out. Pooh Bear's looking healthy at all appointments and besides two little worry points, I've had a very healthy pregnancy. I really feel empowered with the whole giving birth thing. And most importantly this baby is already so loved by us and the family. These last 100 days will fly by and in the mean while I'll enjoy the last days Kenny and I will have as a twosome. He's even been spending more time with me than with Diabalo 3, and if that ain't love, I don't know what is.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A good teen read

So despite the fact that I am in my late 20's, I have an obsession with teen books. I don't know what it is about them I like so much except that I think they are just much more optimistic than adult novels. These are young adults that have their whole life ahead of them and want to make a difference. It's nice and not at all what most real teenagers I know act like.

Anyways, I restarted my teen read with the Hunger Game trilogy. Then I read Across the Universe which was sadly disappointing to the point where I didn't want to talk about it and why there is no review on this blog for it. The latest book I read was great though and I recommend it to all teens out there. It's called Divergent and it's also apparently the first of a trilogy and I can't wait for the next book to come out.

The Story: Much like Across the Universe and The Hunger Games it takes place in the not too happy future (dystopian novels seem to be all the rage these days). We meet Beatrice who is a member of a faction of future Chicago that believes in being selfless. When people turn 16 they are able to choose to stay in their faction or move to one of the other 4, each that has a different trait. Prior to making this decision they are tested with a simulation to give them an idea of which they'd fit best in. Beatrice is divergent which means that she could easily fit in multiple factions. This is considered dangerous and she is told to keep it quiet. When it's time to make a decision she picks the brave faction which is full of tattooed and pierced fierce young people who fight and jump off trains. She then has to go through initiation where only the top 10 recruits get to stay. She meets some friends, gets a love interest, and uncovers controversy.

What I liked: My favorite part of this book was the romantic story line. I know, it's stupid that that's my favorite part of almost all books I read, but this one grew so naturally and didn't feel forced that I can't help it. It wasn't a "I saw you and you were hot so now I love you forever." It was slow building and only through countless encounters and experiences and understandings that they get together. They also cover the topic of sex in such a great way. Being from the selfless district, Beatrice is actually a bit of a prude. She is in an faction now that treats itself like the wild high school parties I was never invited to only without fear of someone calling the cops. Just because she can now go wild and have sex doesn't mean she's going to. Her beau is not only understanding but supportive of that too. If only more 16 year olds were like that! MTV would probably be out of business though... The book also had a lot of great themes of going against what you were brought up with but still not losing who you are completely. I could certainly relate to not wanting to disappoint my parents but at the same time knowing myself better.

What I didn't like: The factions idea confused the heck out of me for the first half of the book. They eventually explain it better but I felt like a cheat sheet of which faction believed in what ideas would have been helpful as I read the book. The overall story kind of bored me, but I have hopes that they will go into all the things they hinted at in the next two books and this was a more meet the players story. They also killed off a good chunk of the characters in this book. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, it just kinda threw me and makes their deaths less meaningful since they occurred for the most part within 20 pages of each other.

Overall, I highly recommend this to teenagers especially. It's a good story and can also apply to their lives today. Also, no vampires. Branch out, young folks!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Updating for the sake of updating

Wooot! I've discovered how to do page breaks. I'm all ready to be a professional blogger now or something. Except I'd make a bad one since I'm terrible about updating my blog. In fact right now I'm only starting a post because it's 8 pm on a Friday night and I'm really wanting to go to bed and that's just a new level of sad that I'm not ready to sink to. I haven't had dinner either and I'm really not hungry to eat anything. Ohh, maybe gnocchi. I can eat gnocchi and God can't get mad at me cause there's not meat in it. He can be mad at me for not going to church today, but eh. Anyways, this blog is going nowhere so I'll throw in a quick FFF and call it a day.

1. My dream profession would be a Broadway star. I guess I wouldn't need the lead role, but at least one of the last ones to come out for bows before the lead. However...

2. ...I would never live in New York City. So much for that career path ;-)

3. All my favorite literary characters are male. I discovered this when trying to find a good girl name and looking at books for that. I realize I hate almost every woman in books I like. The only exception being Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, and I ain't naming my daughter Luna.

4. Favorite Disney movie: Sleeping Beauty. I don't find it the best Disney movie, but it's always going to be my favorite.

5. I used to claim to be allergic to things I didn't like. Only I didn't understand how allergies worked so I would say I was allergic to spiders and pretend to sneeze when I saw one. Most people saw through this.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The dance days are over...

Saturday being St. Patrick's Day I made corned beef and cabbage for myself, my husband and a couple of friends whom I thought were joining us for dinner. Let me start off by letting you in on an Irish secret. Corned beef and cabbage is like the easiest thing in the world to make and looks extremely impressive and then you get to tell people you've been cooking it all day. The secret of this: The Crock Pot. In the morning I threw in some carrots, tiny potatoes, chopped up onion and then placed in the beef and filled the pot almost completely with water and some seasoning. Put the lid on top, set the heat for low and then waited for dinner. So friggin' easy, so amazingly delicious.

As I had mentioned earlier I had thought we were having some friends over for dinner. I get a text message from them at 10 asking what we're up to tonight and I tell her "Making corned beef and cabbage, and we were hoping you guys were joining us." We had discussed doing just this the week before but hadn't ironed out details yet, didn't seem like we needed to. She told me that she had been invited out by other people who she told she was free to. I told her that if she wants to go that's fine, but we wouldn't be invited so to let me know if she was planning on showing up to our house for dinner. This was probably a mistake of me because I wasn't fine if she didn't show up. I was actually pretty hurt. This was made all the more difficult that they were hanging out with my ex and his wife. Not that I have a problem with them anymore. Quite the opposite. The last time I saw them she was extremely nice and personable to me and I am nothing if not forgiving of people. But I do know that even though we may be on good making small talk, trading house buying and pregnancy advice, and not insulting each other anymore terms, we're not people that they'd invite out for a night on the town. My friend decided to go on the one outing there was no way we could join. After we had talked months about how much fun we had together on St. Patrick's Day and how we had to do something together this year and because I what, didn't set a time for her coming over she was bailing on me?

She asked if she was mad and of course I said no, because I'm a doormat and let people walk over me all the time. She then spent the rest of the day sending me text justifying her actions: we had just seen each other last week, she hadn't seen them in some time, she just wanted to live up some of the glory of past St. Patrick's days, etc. I knew she couldn't do that with a pregnant friend in tow. Kenny's not a drinker, I am. I can't move on the dance floor like I once could, and more importantly: I don't want to. I was excited for my crock pot dinner and potential game night. I liked thinking I wouldn't have to pay money to spend time with people at a bar where we couldn't hear each other and was full of drunk college kids and high school kids with fake id's. I was looking forward to being a grown up.

Then I started to cry. I realized something about me, about my life now. I am a grown up. The St. Patrick's Days of getting ex boyfriends to drink water after overdoing the liquor and tequila shots were over. The driving drunk friends home only to have them get lost on the way because they're too drunk to tell you where they live. The receiving of hilarious text pictures of aformetioned exboyfriends who fell into ditch puking on the way home that night. I think that's what I'll miss most of all. That was my life 5 years ago. My life now is picking out colors for the nursery. Inviting over the inlaws so all that food doesn't go to waste and then having an amazingly fun evening anyway. Having everyone rave over my ever so easy to make dinner recipe. Playing a game with my sister and brother in law at 9 pm and wondering if it's too late to start another. Cleaning up the dishes in my new remodeled kitchen and putting them in my favorite Christmas present from my parents: a new dishwasher. Having a husband who holds me in his arms as I cry out my death of youthful times and reminds me of happy times we have coming up. Yes, the dance parties of St. Patricks Day are over, but next year I'll have a new mostly Irish lad or lassie to celebrate with and we'll have all new traditions. I can't wait.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Leaving Red's

I put in my two weeks notice at Red Robin. It was pretty sad actually cause I do work with some pretty cool people there. And they were uber understanding about it all which I think made it worse. My assistant manager John said that he had to take a lot of those the past few weeks and mine was one of the hardest. It is important for me to leave while I'm still doing good and I feel that slipping lately. I haven't been motivated to work as hard there lately, and while I love the people I don't look forward to going into work like I once did. The timing just seems to make sense. While I'm done with my first trimester and I'm no longer feeling nauseous I'm not feeling extra limber either. I have a bit of a bump and my pants no longer button. Kinda a problem when you're having to wear jeans and a tucked in shirt to work. It's only going to get worse from here too. Ken's up for a new job in Morgan Hill and they're sending him an offer letter this week. With this offer will probably be a salary bump. And at very least, his commute will be shorter hence, more gas money saved.

And what will I do with my extra time, you may ask? I have a reading addiction lately, and I'm trying to be more domestic like beyond just doing laundry and dishes. Over my anniversary weekend, which I'll post more on later, I got some yarn for a baby blanket I hope to make. The only problem is I suck at crocheting. I can do straight lines and rectangles. Pretty boring baby blanket. So I got a bunch of crochet books from the library and now I need to actually figure them out. And now I'll actually have time to do that. I have 5 and a half months to get this house baby ready and I'm feeling so little motivation lately to do it. If I can even just put in an hour a day it will become much easier. Also, every Sunday will now be a day off. Woot!