Friday, April 6, 2012

Updating for the sake of updating

Wooot! I've discovered how to do page breaks. I'm all ready to be a professional blogger now or something. Except I'd make a bad one since I'm terrible about updating my blog. In fact right now I'm only starting a post because it's 8 pm on a Friday night and I'm really wanting to go to bed and that's just a new level of sad that I'm not ready to sink to. I haven't had dinner either and I'm really not hungry to eat anything. Ohh, maybe gnocchi. I can eat gnocchi and God can't get mad at me cause there's not meat in it. He can be mad at me for not going to church today, but eh. Anyways, this blog is going nowhere so I'll throw in a quick FFF and call it a day.

1. My dream profession would be a Broadway star. I guess I wouldn't need the lead role, but at least one of the last ones to come out for bows before the lead. However...

2. ...I would never live in New York City. So much for that career path ;-)

3. All my favorite literary characters are male. I discovered this when trying to find a good girl name and looking at books for that. I realize I hate almost every woman in books I like. The only exception being Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, and I ain't naming my daughter Luna.

4. Favorite Disney movie: Sleeping Beauty. I don't find it the best Disney movie, but it's always going to be my favorite.

5. I used to claim to be allergic to things I didn't like. Only I didn't understand how allergies worked so I would say I was allergic to spiders and pretend to sneeze when I saw one. Most people saw through this.

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