Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Just sending some holiday cheer out there to my two readers. I guess I should say Happy Hannakuh as well for half my readership. I was going to wait til I had something official to post (we close escrow on Christmas eve), but I realize that I shouldn't just post when things are good or bad but in between. Since really, isn't that what life's all about? Just waiting for the next thing to happen.

So what has my in between life been up to lately? I was actually well on top of things this Christmas. Had 90% of my gifts bought and wrapped by last week. 70% were actually done about a month ago. I've never been a big Christmas fan. I saw it as a massive headache of buying presents for a bunch of people, some you want to shop for and some you don't. Either way, it costs money and causes stress. There's also the added fun of having two families now. Trying not to let my old family know I prefer the new since they have better games and cook dinner before 7.

Last year was fun but stressful. Ken and I were living in San Jose and came down Christmas eve where I worked at maries in the morning, and headed to my folks house while my mom avoided the rest of us and my uncle awkwardly watched movies with my brother and I while my dad fumbled around the kitchen. Christmas day was spent with Ken's folks with mimosas, great gifts and food, and fun people for the most part. We did have to sleep in the trailer that night as all the beds in the house were taken.

This year I'm excited. We live 2 blocks away from both sets of parents and I have BOTH DAYS OFF! One for my fam and one for his. When asking them about this ages ago my mom brushed off saying she didn't care. Flash forward to the week before Christmas and now spending Christmas eve with them isn't enough. I promised them Christmas dinner next year. Eventually we'll get to the point where we can just invite them over our place and if they don't make it no biggie. Even so, I'm not letting it get me down. I'm full of the holiday cheer. I got great gifts for my family, two fun filled days planed, and a potential cat play date looming. And who knows, maybe there will be house keys in my stocking this year :-)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Our big purchase

So in the craziness of being 4 months away for a wedding which now every family member I know and a few I don't is planning on attending, Ken and I decide it's time to buy a house. This is a big step, biggest purchase we'll ever make, and we somehow got through the hardest part in 3 days. Sunday our realtor Juan took us out to look at houses. We told him the key points: price range, minimum bed/bath, and most importantly: must be in Morgan Hill. It is pigeon holding us a bit not to search down in Gilroy or San Martin, but Morgan Hill is our home and there's no denying that. Juan showed 6 out of 16 houses that met our criteria. It would have been 7 but the first house on the list was right across from my parents house. Being that close to my brother would have driven me bonkers.

1st one was blah. It was a bank owned house that had the charm of an abandoned department store, complete with boarded up windows. Yeah, there was potential there, it had 4 beds 2 baths, was right down the street from Kenny's cousin/ future babysitter, nice backyard, but there was warmth missing. Might have had something to do with there being no carpets anywhere on site. Lets keep looking.

2nd house also had potential. 4 beds and three baths this time, dining room area, pretty foyer, nice backyard, lots of parking, cool garage. Needed some loving care, but nothing we couldn't handle. Great price...but also connected to the house next to it. As it was on a corner you could barely tell and really didn't seem much closer than my parents house is to their neighbors. I took some pictures and promised to keep an open mind about if this was meant to be our dream home.

3rd house was a glorified townhome. Not that there's anything wrong with townhouses, but if they're going to be a townhouse they should fess up to it. I don't think I could have fit on the side of the house. We didn't actually get to see the inside of the house as they were having plumbing problems and would rather us look another day, but I had seen enough. It was on the "bad side" of Morgan Hill, which means just a few more loitering teens than the good side, but was missing charm that the 2nd house's neighborhood had.

4th house also had people living there. Adorable neighborhood and a beautiful shady tree out front. I walked in and was instantly reminded of houses of the east coast. So many windows looked out to the most well maintained back yard I've ever seen. Bird feeders and wind chimes hung from beautiful trellises while trees shaded the cleanly cut grass. Inside was charming as well. A tiny kitchen next to an adorable breakfast nook which looked into a sunken in den with a fireplace. "I'd have a hard time painting over this" Ken told me from the bedroom. I enter to see a forest scene straight out of Sleeping Beauty painted on the wall. Curtains covered the closets. Candle sconces placed perfectly throughout the house. Ken reminded me most of the stuff would be going with them and I was sadden. "But I could get my own replacements. In fact my green curtains would look perfect in here..." I thought to myself before realizing I was already mentally moving in. I didn't want to leave. There were other houses to see but I was done wanting to look at them. Much like when I started dating Kenny I was done dating. When I tried on my wedding dress I was done dress shopping. I had found the one. With hesitation we left to look at other houses.

5th house was brand new inside. Huge backyard, giant master bedroom, breakfast nook, new kitchen, new bathroom, cute neighborhood. *Yawn* That house should have been the winner but it wasn't. It didn't have the sunken in living room, didn't have the pretty trellises in the backyard, the eucalyptus tree out front. This was not our house.

Neither was the 6th house despite it's view of Anderson Lake and walk in closet. It didn't matter, my mind was made up and I wanted my pretty little 3 bedroom house.

We set up an appointment the next night to look at the house again with Ken's dad. Once he went over, gave it his blessing, we were ready to make a bid. We asked for 10,000 under asking plus a 6000 credit for closing costs. They countered on Tuesday with an ok, but no more than 2,000 of that can be section 1. We agreed, and it went into pending. No one else can make offers on that house. Then came the waiting for the relocation company to give their blessing. It took nearly a week but we're now in escrow. The only ones who can back out of the sale now is us and I don't think we're going to do that. In as little as 2 months I can be sitting in my living room posting about how awesome life is. As for right now, I'm trying to stay positive that that could happen instead of going to worse case scenarios where the house burns down, or we get robbed, or I don't even know what. I don't think I'll get a full nights sleep though until it's inside our new house.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Always look on the bright side of life...

I'm making the decision to be positive. It's been a rough time for me lately. I have what I like to refer to as "white people problems" (Louis CK). I'm stressed that it's cheaper for us to buy a house then live in our apartment for another year. That my wedding and my moving into my first house will be so close together. That my bridesmaids are all fighting with each other cause each one wants to help out the most with the bridal showers. I have two families that I need to split the holidays between. Both of my jobs are giving me lots of hours and I have to work a lot. AND, as if that weren't bad enough I have to fly out to Chicago for a long weekend for a wedding in a month. Nobody knows my pain....

In all seriousness though I am burnt out. I'm so tired, have miles to go before I sleep, and feel my friend circle getting smaller by the minute. This is partly cause of the bridal party just not getting along, partly cause I'm feeling so burnt out I don't go out of my way to make plans with people like I used to, partly because no matter how hard I try or all the progress I think I'm making with someone, they're just not going to like me and I have to be ok with that. This is where my decision to be happy comes in. As I type this out I'm having a conversation with a friend who's scared she did something to mess up our friendship and I'm almost laughing at the thought we wouldn't be friends. It's nice having that kind of security. Life's too short to waste on undeserving stress and mean people. Someone doesn't want to be my friend? Fine, their loss. I'll be hanging out with one of my others. Centerpieces not working the way I want to? The candles will look just fine, and there will be more focus on me and Ken this way. Having to buy a house now instead of a year from now when loan rates might be up above 5%? Well, I answered that already didn't I? No more worry wrinkles. No more crying. Bring on the good times, I'm ready!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A little older and a little wiser

Well hello being old. I guess 26 isn't that much older than 25 cept now 30 looks ever so close. I mean I guess I can look at the bright side of life, I'm pretty much where I thought I'd be at 26. Well maybe I thought I'd be married already, but the wedding's only a few months off. We're in the early stages of house hunting. We have an adorable kitten. And really we're just putting off kids until we want them. I got a good job, an amazing partner, and a shiny new laptop for my birthday. Huh, I didn't mean for this to start off as a brag about how awesome my life is, but it would seem it has turned into such.

I usually treat birthday's like a form of new years where I make resolutions as to what I'd like see happen in the next year. This next year I can check getting married off the list, but I feel like there's more that I should be working towards. Blogging might be part of there. I have fun reading other's blogs and wish I was more witty/ motivated/ interesting enough to have a blog that others would want to follow. I'm a very social person and have been feeling increasingly antisocial lately. I'm still not sure if this is good or bad. This is the first year that I can remember where I did not have a birthday party. Really, I doubt I'd even be noticing it at all if my family and Ken's family didn't insist on having me over for dinner or what not. Last year I spent my birthday in disneyland getting engaged, this one's bound to be less noteworthy. I think I prefer that though. Like I bragged about early, I have a great life, I have everything I could want. There's no need for presents when I'm going to be getting wedding gifts in a few months. Ken provides me with anything I could want and couldn't afford, and really, there isn't much I would want and not be able to afford.

Maybe this is maturity. I have an acquaintance that spread his birthday out over three days cause he wasn't satisfied with how the first or second attempt went. This dude's in his 30s. That is just so sad to me, but I look at his life and kinda understand it. He's got a part time go nowhere job, no girlfriend, not too many people who could stand him, but who would deny a birthday boy a drink or a pat on the back. He had to milk that sucker for all it's worth. I guess I don't need the attention or the free drinks and gifts because if I wanted to do what I'm doing on my birthday I could, everyday. That's pretty effing cool. So at 27 I want to be here too, maybe in a house vs an apartment, maybe with a bun in the oven, maybe getting more hours at the library, but certainly with another ring on my finger. And certainly with the same awesome people leaving 15+ happy birthday messages on my facebook before 9. Happy birthday, me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

To quit or not to quit

Hello my readers, the both of you! I am indeed still alive and well. Haven't posted lately cause there was really nothing to post about. Still working my two jobs, though I'm pretty sure I'll be going down to one soon enough. Red Robins was a great restaurant to work for, I'm just not sure if I'm still in the waitressing point in my life. I just read a fun book called "Waiter's rant" that would put me back and forth from wanting to waitress to wanting to run as far away as I could. The book explains it so well. Waiting tables is a form of gambling, sometimes you get a great pay out for doing minimal work, sometimes you can work your ass off to only get a 2 buck tip. Also something that sucks is at a restaurant, like most jobs, competency is punished. I'm always a closer cause I can handle it. Meaning two to three nights a week I don't get to see my fiance cause I don't get home til close to midnight. I'm also stressing to juggle both jobs with the schedules changing all the time. It would be far easier with just one. But then there's the money aspect. My dress is paid off, but my honeymoons not. Maybe I should hold off on quitting til that is. Though who knows what I'm gonna want to save for after that...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New thing I'm trying

So I don't know if the two of you who read this have noticed, but I don't post on here at all. I try to, but can't think of much to say that I don't already say on facebook. Here's my idea, I'll take my posts on facebook and talk about them in greater detail here. It will also give me the chance to have the opportunity to be more vague there and let things off my chest here where no one will see it. Ok, so here's the first one:

"Julie is constantly amazed at both how much cheaper and tastier cooking at home is than eating out at a restaurant is."
June 30th

Sunday night when trying to decide on what to have for dinner, Ken and I started looking through cookbooks and decided to try a new recipe. I found one for steaks and a wine sauce. We walked over to the store, bought any ingredients needed for it, over all $14. After much cursing and fretting in the kitchen, I emerged with a delicious dinner. I made a recipe not taught to me by my mom or middle school cooking class. It was good, and as a bonus I got to drink the rest of the open wine along with it.

Empowered by this success, last night I tried mac and cheese. It was quite the adventure at the store, looking for Colby cheese and only finding Colby jack, worried that would ruin everything. Searching high and low for bread crumbs. But $18 later I was home starting a meal that I usually left up to Kraft. Ken had arrived home sooner than I anticipated so I set to work on the meal without premeasuring out everything I'd need. Big mistake since some of the steps require only cooking it 30 seconds before throwing in 3 more ingredients. More cussing ensued, especially since our kitty Logan who believes we only go into the kitchen to get him cat food and was meowing nonstop at my feet. Still, finished product came out amazingly tasty and now Ken has lunch for work for the rest of the week. Now to decide what to make for Thursday :-)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life lessons from a show about serial killers....

While watching the first season of Dexter on Netflix (and dear lord, how did I go a whole year without netflix? I forgot how awesome it is), and his girlfriend is a former victim of an abusive husband. The husband (played by Jacob from Lost which is all I see him as) comes back after spending a few years in prison and is trying to win her back and become a father to his kids. I just can't help but thinking if I were in the situation I'd have a really hard time not giving the guy a second chance. I'm sure I wouldn't enter into a relationship with him again, but I do love believing in the best of people, and that people can change. So it's probably a good thing that I was never in an abusive relationship and I can surround myself with people who are good to me.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Some things that made me laugh this week

First off, my family has always had love for the hilarity of the cheesiness of David Caruso's character on "CSI: Miami" but sadly we never thought to take it to this level:

Genius! I may steal this idea when I have a baby. Speaking of, my biological clock has been ticking extra loud lately. I can't shut it up and it doesn't seem to realize my wedding's still a year away. Lousy womanhood...

Anyways, the other thing that made me laugh was this very accurate summary of Oscar movie trailers:

Enjoy, gentle readers!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Does anyone else find this just a teensy bit giggle worthy:

Glad to know I'm such a grown up.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No comfort from the 6:00 news

Watching the news is really strange when you know the person who's in the story. You try extra hard to make out their face, doubt the news reporter when they say she's expected to make a full recovery, get mad when they brag they were the only news team on scene, that's not the point of the story. Why don't they give more information? Why don't they tell you that you can get updates somewhere? Why are the people online turning this into a debate about closing hiking trails?

Every single story on there, as minor as it may seem to me, affects someone. Someone is out there with questions, sobbing to see someone air lifted away, searching everywhere they can to get more answers and frustrated knowing that they can't bug the people that would be able to give them more answers.

I don't know my readers well enough to know if you're praying folks, but if you are please please please pray that she's going to be ok.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have a home!

I'm up way too early and I hardly slept at all last night. Last night, Ken and I got the apartment in Morgan Hill. It's a beautiful (well, decent anyways) 2 bed/2 bath upstairs apartment and it's ours. Not his and his roommates, not my parents, but ours. In fact, it's more mine than his at this point since I put down the deposit by myself. Holy shit, I'm becoming a real grownup.

A little backround for any of my 3 readers out of the loop on why this is so big for me: I "moved" in with Ken back in July when my dad came back from his 3 month east coast trip to learn how to get sober....completely hammered. Realizing that I spent almost all of my free time with Ken and not wanting my dad to be sent away again, I tell dad to move into my room. Mom probably hates dad more for this having "run me out of the house" despite the fact that since Ken and I have gotten together, we've maybe spent 10 nights apart and we're going on a year pretty soon and I half used the giving dad my room as an excuse to move out without having dad hit the roof. Since then I've confined myself to Ken's room whenever I'm home and he's not. His roommate doesn't have a job so is always around and I didn't want to get in his at all. I know that when he signed up to live with Ken for the 7th or 8th year in a row (they've been roommates since Ken's second year of college) he didn't expect Ken have a chick move in as my lovely fiance wasn't exactly a lady's man. Because my fear of upsetting the roommate, we have rarely used the kitchen or living room and have either eaten out or ordered in for almost every single meal eaten here. I know, it's rediculous, but it's how I feel and I'm beyond thrilled that that time is almost over.

That's why I love this apartment so much: I'm going from 1 bedroom to 6. I'm getting a bedroom complete with a walk in closet (oh the shoes that will fill it!) and a bathroom with an outside sink and vanity. No more trying to do my makeup while Ken's in the shower steaming up the mirror.

Then there's the living room, complete with a wood buring fireplace. We've already planned on buying a flat screen to put above it so we can enjoy both a fire and a movie, or maybe a movie about a fire since that would be nice and ironic. But it's a whole other room that I'm allowed to go in because I live there, I signed the paper, my name is on the mailbox, well, metaphorically speaking anyways.

There's a kitchen where I can use the coffee pot Ken's parents got me for christmas and the Kitchen Aid mixer that they got him. We have bar stools already that we can put up to the bar and eat our meals there since there are two of us living there. There's a dining area to put that table his parents have been holding for him for years. We can have people over for dinner for a change and use our beautiful china we bought ourselves as an engagement gift.There's a washer and dryer, and a linen closet (yet another place for shoes as we don't have too many linens). There's a whole second bath room, like a whole one, not one of those half assed numbers with just a toilet and a sink. There's a tub! We could both take a bath at the same time without junk being squashed.

Finally, there's a second bedroom that we don't even know what to do with. We've considered making it another walk in closet, but realistically I think it's going to be our office, perhaps with a futon in it for when Dan comes visiting.

The bottom line is this is a place we found together and it's one of the few things that's going to be ours that wasn't mine or his first or wasn't bought by one of us as a gift to the other. It's a home that we're going to fill with stuff and decorate and really live in, not just sleep at. So I guess it's no wonder I got no sleep last night, people usually don't sleep well when they're away from home.