Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have a home!

I'm up way too early and I hardly slept at all last night. Last night, Ken and I got the apartment in Morgan Hill. It's a beautiful (well, decent anyways) 2 bed/2 bath upstairs apartment and it's ours. Not his and his roommates, not my parents, but ours. In fact, it's more mine than his at this point since I put down the deposit by myself. Holy shit, I'm becoming a real grownup.

A little backround for any of my 3 readers out of the loop on why this is so big for me: I "moved" in with Ken back in July when my dad came back from his 3 month east coast trip to learn how to get sober....completely hammered. Realizing that I spent almost all of my free time with Ken and not wanting my dad to be sent away again, I tell dad to move into my room. Mom probably hates dad more for this having "run me out of the house" despite the fact that since Ken and I have gotten together, we've maybe spent 10 nights apart and we're going on a year pretty soon and I half used the giving dad my room as an excuse to move out without having dad hit the roof. Since then I've confined myself to Ken's room whenever I'm home and he's not. His roommate doesn't have a job so is always around and I didn't want to get in his at all. I know that when he signed up to live with Ken for the 7th or 8th year in a row (they've been roommates since Ken's second year of college) he didn't expect Ken have a chick move in as my lovely fiance wasn't exactly a lady's man. Because my fear of upsetting the roommate, we have rarely used the kitchen or living room and have either eaten out or ordered in for almost every single meal eaten here. I know, it's rediculous, but it's how I feel and I'm beyond thrilled that that time is almost over.

That's why I love this apartment so much: I'm going from 1 bedroom to 6. I'm getting a bedroom complete with a walk in closet (oh the shoes that will fill it!) and a bathroom with an outside sink and vanity. No more trying to do my makeup while Ken's in the shower steaming up the mirror.

Then there's the living room, complete with a wood buring fireplace. We've already planned on buying a flat screen to put above it so we can enjoy both a fire and a movie, or maybe a movie about a fire since that would be nice and ironic. But it's a whole other room that I'm allowed to go in because I live there, I signed the paper, my name is on the mailbox, well, metaphorically speaking anyways.

There's a kitchen where I can use the coffee pot Ken's parents got me for christmas and the Kitchen Aid mixer that they got him. We have bar stools already that we can put up to the bar and eat our meals there since there are two of us living there. There's a dining area to put that table his parents have been holding for him for years. We can have people over for dinner for a change and use our beautiful china we bought ourselves as an engagement gift.There's a washer and dryer, and a linen closet (yet another place for shoes as we don't have too many linens). There's a whole second bath room, like a whole one, not one of those half assed numbers with just a toilet and a sink. There's a tub! We could both take a bath at the same time without junk being squashed.

Finally, there's a second bedroom that we don't even know what to do with. We've considered making it another walk in closet, but realistically I think it's going to be our office, perhaps with a futon in it for when Dan comes visiting.

The bottom line is this is a place we found together and it's one of the few things that's going to be ours that wasn't mine or his first or wasn't bought by one of us as a gift to the other. It's a home that we're going to fill with stuff and decorate and really live in, not just sleep at. So I guess it's no wonder I got no sleep last night, people usually don't sleep well when they're away from home.

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