Thursday, May 7, 2009

Random Musing

I really kinda want an office job in my life. I feel like my job as a file clerk 5 years ago was completely wasted. I have so many interesting thoughts I want to share with the world, yet sadly no time to share them with my busy go-go lifestyle. Well, not so go-go, but I certainly don't get to use a computer at work. Sad times.

Now I have a whole messa fun posts I want to write but by the time I have enough free time to sit down and write them, I have forgotten what it was I wanted to say. I have a few great posts planned and once school is done and I've quit my other less exciting jobs, I'll have lots of time to write, that is assuming the boyfriend doesn't take up all my free time. I think once we get to see each other more than just 3 waking hours a day he'll tire a bit of me. That's how relationships work right? It's been so long since I was in a good healthy one I can't remember.

Anyways, fear not, gentle reader. Julie's pearls of wisdom shall be more abundant soon enough...

1 comment:

ZeroIndulgence said...

Office jobs are boring. The computer is a perk, but its really not all its cracked up to be. Just because my office job is glamorous and filled with excitement doesn't mean they all are! :-P