Thursday, May 21, 2009


Quiting jobs kinda sucks. I'm turning in my two weeks notice to one of my jobs tomorrow. I think this is so hard because I'm working for a family with their son, so it's not an official job, which means it's going to be harder on them to find a replacement for them. At the same time if they're angry at me I don't have to worry that much since I'm not planning on working with them again anyways. I was honest with them when I told them that I had a summer job already and while we had talked about me still working with them there's honestly no way it would be convenient for me. I'm working up in San Jose until 5:30 on some days meaning realistically without a car I wouldn't be available to work with William until 6:30 or 7. Not to mention, I really don't want to do that. I also don't want to work weekends and if I did, it would be at Marie Calenders. I am still feeling bad about this. I don't like this job though, and I don't agree with the way I'm told to do things, and it's really not helping anyone if I'm giving lip service to a job. Who knows, maybe they'll be so upset they tell me not to bother coming in the next two weeks. But I shouldn't get too hopeful. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

ZeroIndulgence said...

I see quitting like I see ending a relationship...way more fun than it should be! It's one of the few moments in your life in which you have absolute control over the situation. You are quitting, there is nothing they can do about it... If that's not power, I don't know what is. :-P