Friday, February 13, 2009

Fun Fact Friday

So everyone on facebook is doing this 25 random things about me thing, and I say everyone including myself. I'm not gonna lie, I love talking about myself. Why else would I have a blog? The problem is, after posting my 25 things, which itself was a hard thing to think of for some reason, I kept thinking of new things about myself I wanted to share. Instead of being completely pathetic and posting yet another 25 things about myself on facebook and having my friends call me out on the narcissistic person I am, I figured I'd post a few each week on my blog which is one big narcissistic thing anyways. And you can't judge me for talking about myself too much on my blog since you're actually reading it, suckas! So stealing a fantastic idea from my friend Pat's blog, I'll make this a weekly segment called Fun Fact Friday.

1. I love wearing socks at all time except for when I'm wearing shoes. This is in large part due to the shoes I wear don't go with socks for the most part, but I also just feel like you only need on thing on your feet at a time.

2. I am a creature of habit. I order the same thing everytime at Subway, Jamba Juice, Starbucks, Quizno's, etc. Each time I try to branch out and try something new I am disappointed and ultimately end up wishing I had stuck to my original. Because of this, I always try to stick to my initial instincts when going somewhere new.

3. I can recite the movie Clueless start to finish. This was not a planned thing, it just comes from watching the movie so many times in my youth.

4. My action movie collection outnumbers my chickflick movie collection 2 to 1. I am very proud of this fact.

5. I feel an instant kinship with anyone who pronounces Target "Tar-jay". I'm not sure why, but I immediately want to be their new best friend.

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