Monday, February 20, 2012

Reading fever

So I not only read the second book of the Hunger Games trilogy, I read the third one too. I now consider myself a fan of the series and I'm certainly planning on seeing the movie in a month. I have already let my hopes get high on it being good which can only mean I'm in for disappointment. Oh well.

I considered doing a review of them both but I think it would have been better if I wrote the review for second book before I read the third, and after I read the second book I couldn't wait to get my hands on the third so that didn't happen. Also it would have contained spoilers for the other books and they're good books and you should read them. If only so I can gush about how in love I am with Peeta.

This whole thing has sparked my love of reading again. I put 7 books on hold at the library. 5 of them came in at once. And I have 0 days off this week. I'm gonna try starting one or two and probably send the rest back. Or hopefully the one or two I start I won't like so I can get rid of those and move onto others. Or  maybe I'll read them and love them and power through all 5 in a week. Most likely not, but it would still be a better use of my time than old simpson reruns.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hungry for Happiness

So I finished my first book of the year: The Hunger Games. I include spoilers below but I'll warn before I spoil. I choose this book a) cause everyone and their cousin has read it and told me to read it, and b) because the movie's coming out soon and I have a feeling it will be good. I purposefully waited til after I read the first book to watch the trailer or see the cast (though I did know the two main characters before I read it) and I am excited. Very excited. I wouldn't have cast the lead the same, but I'm fairly confident that she'll do a good job. The lead male is just perfect and I could picture him as Peeta the entire book. The other castings are perfect too, much better than I would have done if I had that task. I'm quite excited. Anyways, this book review seems more like a movie analysis which I'll save for after I see the movie in March. Back to the book:

The story: I liked it. I didn't love it but I liked it. I can agree that it's a really interesting, albeit terrifying premise which was carried out in a believable (if that's the right word) way. In a nutshell the book is about a future dystopia where after the ice caps melt (they don't say this but imply it), and the world has been destroyed by plagues, war, poverty and numerous disasters which were probably mostly man made, there's only 12 districts left in America and a single powerful central government called the Capitol. Due to a failed uprising, the Capitol has decided to once a year take one boy and one girl from each district and pit them against each other in a fight for the death for their amusement and to show that they are the big power. Heroine Katniss is from the poorest district and not expected to last long, but yet she ends up showing much promise when there. Along the way she meets some interesting characters and adventures ensue.

What I liked: It is an interesting concept that I could potential see happening, not anytime soon mind you, but in those conditions it was believable. How someone from such a bad place could do so well is also very believable as you get to learn more about her. She has such anger at the Capitol and you really feel for how unfair and awful her situation is. There are a lot of great characters who I really want to learn more about and can only guess you do in the sequels. There's the previous winner from District 12 Haymitch who is always in a drunken stupor. The fantastic new designer Cinna who you can tell is trying to make a change for the better. My favorite by far though is Peeta, the boy from her district. He seems so honest and real and my god I'm in love with him. It's probably because of this that I can't say I love the book(see Spoilers below if so inclined).

What I didn't like: Katniss is the emotional anti me. She's a hunter and a fighter and therefore doesn't let herself feel to much. It's because of this that I could never relate to her. I do understand it, and I'm not saying she's a robot, cause she's not. She does care for her family and others she comes across but she's not warm and loving and she pisses me off. It's also a horribly depressing book. It's about kids being forced to fight to the death. So the only way they win is if everyone else dies. Including the people from the same district. Katniss and Peeta begin their training together and as they get closer they both have to remember they will need to kill each other in the ring. How awful is that? It took a lot of plot twists and forcing myself to finish the book and once I did, I didn't feel compelled to keep reading the sequels, even though I will give it my best shot.

Stop reading here if you want to be surprised by the book or movie.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Well it was Superbowl again last weekend and like I felt back in 2008, either team to win, I lose. I hate the Patriots since 2004 And even more than I hate the pat, I hate Brady. I've explained why in the past. I'm an eagle's fan so I can not root for the NY Giants. Goes against my programing. Which is a shame, cause Manning's a good quarterback and were he on any other team I'd like him. Still, this year unlike in 2008, the Giants did not deserve to be there. If all the other teams in the NFC East didn't suck major balls, they would not have been there. The fact that they made it through playoffs was just a series of flukes. It should have been the 49ers. They worked for it. They wanted it. They earned it. Who gets to go? The stupid giants. They did not earn it. Even worse than them making it to Superbowl was them winning Superbowl. Just a terrible terrible game.

Usually for years there's such a horrible game, the commercials make up for it. This year was lacking. I chuckled at one or two, but not even enough to go and find a clip of them to post on here. So how much could I have really liked them? Halftime show was fine. Madonna, as much as I don't care for her, was damn impressive for a 50 year old woman. Obviously lip syncing but I don't have problem with that for events that big. Even still, didn't like most of her song choices, but at least I recognized them.

The saving graces for Sunday were that I got the day off from work and I got to spend it with my family. I had breakfast with my mom and brother and then the in laws came over to watch the game. My sister and brother-in-law stayed over longer for a game night which was lots fun and is becoming a weekly thing. So overall, a boring game, but a good day. And now I can focus my attention more on hockey.