Monday, February 20, 2012

Reading fever

So I not only read the second book of the Hunger Games trilogy, I read the third one too. I now consider myself a fan of the series and I'm certainly planning on seeing the movie in a month. I have already let my hopes get high on it being good which can only mean I'm in for disappointment. Oh well.

I considered doing a review of them both but I think it would have been better if I wrote the review for second book before I read the third, and after I read the second book I couldn't wait to get my hands on the third so that didn't happen. Also it would have contained spoilers for the other books and they're good books and you should read them. If only so I can gush about how in love I am with Peeta.

This whole thing has sparked my love of reading again. I put 7 books on hold at the library. 5 of them came in at once. And I have 0 days off this week. I'm gonna try starting one or two and probably send the rest back. Or hopefully the one or two I start I won't like so I can get rid of those and move onto others. Or  maybe I'll read them and love them and power through all 5 in a week. Most likely not, but it would still be a better use of my time than old simpson reruns.

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