Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tabula Rosa

Happy 2012 everyone. Mine's off to an ok start. I didn't have a rocking new years eve but I'm kinda ok with that. Frankly I would have been happy just watching the east coast ball drop and being asleep by 10. We had a few people over though so I had to attempt to be social. We played Apples to Apples for way too long and then watched a decent movie called "Tucker and Dale vs Evil" which is essentially a movie like "The Hills Have Eyes" as told by the hillbillies. Very gory but very funny. Still very different from New Years in years past. I didn't even drink this time, which I think is the first new years since I was 16 which that was the case? Yay maturity I suppose.

2011 was a really fantastic year for me though. I got married, moved into our first house, had some kick ass trips (mostly Disney ones). I was a bit sad to see it go. This is a new year though and I have a new start to making myself even better. So here are my ever so clique New Years Resolutions:

1. Facebook less. I've been gradually phasing off facebook. I only update my status maybe once a week, but I still check it several times a day. I've promised Ken no long to be on facebook when he's around which I think will help. The fact of the matter is if I need to connect to people I should give them a call and meet up for lunch. Just seeing pictures of the food they're having for dinner or their complaints about the check out lady at Target doesn't count as keeping in touch. I'm not going to delete it all together though cause a. It's a nice easy way to see adorable pictures of my cousin's baby, and all my east coast family, and b. I'm fairly sure a good amount of people wouldn't know how to get in touch with me without it.

2. Blog more. It's very therapeutic to write out what I'm feeling and what's going on and think that only Pat's reading it. I might have other secret readers, but I don't know that. I do still feel the need to connect but it doesn't feel as, what's the word, attention grabby? if I post here vs facebook. If you're reading my blog you came to learn more about me. I'll try not to disappoint.

3. Stop wasting time on people not deserving of it so I can focus my attention on those that do. Like I've said in recent blogs, I've lost a bunch of friends lately. These weren't all big blow up drag outs where we throw out our friendship bracelets. They were more of a slow drifting and I'm hearby making the decision which I want to drift back and which ones I'll send off to sea. I'm not the same girl I was in high school, I'm tired of being treated like it. In fact, I'm not a girl. I'm a woman, a grown woman who has a house and will be starting a family soon. Why should I let "friends" tease me, make me feel like I'm not good enough? I am good enough damn it. I just don't fit what you want. And you know what? If I'm not what you want than this is probably good for both of us that we won't have to spend time together. I'll probably bitch more on this later as old habits die hard, but I already feel more calm knowing I get to choose the people I spend my free time with.

4. Typical eat healthier, exercise more, blah blah blah. No need to comment on this more.

5. Eat at home more. We have a beautiful kitchen. It's silly to not use it. While Morgan Hill has many fantastic restaurants (ohh, good topic for a later blog), the best meal is the one you make yourself. Plus yay for saving money! Eating out shall be reserved for special occasions or going out with friends. For me and Ken, it's cookbook time!

That's about it. There's plenty more I'd like to do but these will be my focus. Good luck on all yours!

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