Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My very good day

Last monday was a fantastic day for me. I wake up next to my amazing fiancee after being sick in bed all the day before. I'm still not feeling 100% but we go out for breakfast together and have a delicious perfect sized meal that gives me some much needed energy for the day. I drop him off at work and head down to Morgan Hill. Despite getting stuck in traffic I am still able to make it to my 11:30 interview at Red Robins. The interview goes about 15 minutes, most of which me and the manager interviewing me just spend the whole time agreeing with each other. She lets me know that she'll call me at 5 to let me know if I got it or not.

I have an hour to kill before I start my first day at the library and I remember this fantastic DSW gift card my uncle gave me and head over and find the perfect shoes for New Years Eve. They are everything that I could want in a shoe: tall, silver, sparkely and with an adorable ankel strap. If I could tap dance in them they might be my ideal shoe. We will have a grand love affair that of course will have it's bumps in the road, what with me getting extreme blisters or regreating the skinny heel after a few glasses of champaign. We'll make up though. Heck, these might be my back up wedding day shoes. But it may be too early in our relationship to say that...
1:00 rolls around and I head over to the closed library where my new boss Belinda shows me around. She has me organize a few carts for her and is thrilled when I do it right each time. I have my own locker in the amazingly awesome break room. Walking through the aisle I see countless books that I tell myself I need to check out. And when it's 5:00, Belinda says I'm free to go. I have a start time and and end time, and they stick with it. It's amazing. I could definitely get used to that.
After I get in the truck I give Brian a call and we go to meet up at Starbucks for coffee and chatter. I then get a call from Red Robin telling me I got the job and I can start next week. I then go to Rosey's for $5 beer and burger with my mom and brother to celebrate now my 2 new jobs. Kenny and my dad come to meet us and after a delicious dinner, me and Kenny drive home and cuddle up to "It's always sunny in Philadelphia."
The best part of this day was it just set the tone for the rest of the week. I still love my job, everyone is still excited to have me work there, and I was able to have lunch with one of my bridesmaids/ coworkers today. I think this might be it for me. I feel like my life is going in the right direction. Being a grown up rocks.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bitchin' about my mom

I'm sitting in the living room watching the eagles/49ers game, knowing full well I'll have no football friends out here this week and it seems like it's the right time to write in my blog. I'm not sure what I need to write about, but the writing bug has bitten and you don't ignore bug bites.

I got back from one of the most unique trips to the east coast I've ever had. It was half good half bad. The good was I got to bring Kenny, introduce him to everyone and everyone to him. They all loved him of course, who could blame them, he's awesome and wonderful and I'm thankful everyday to have him in my life loving me and giving me strength and stability (but that's not where I want this blog to go, Kenny knows I love him, no one else wants to hear me ranting about it). We also got lots of free food between being taken out to dinner by family members and weddings and whatnot, my jeans are certainly tighter now than a few weeks ago. Both weddings we attended were awesomely wonderful and beautiful and the love was almost tangible between the bride and groom. The bad: my parents, no, not parents actually, my mother.

Let me remind all you gentle readers that I love my mom. She's my mommy. She went through 9 months and 9 days with me in her and 38 hours of me taking my sweet time coming out. She cares for me, wants me to be happy and yeah, I love her. She's driving me crazy lately. To start off, she's divorcing my dad. What's worse is she's divorcing my dad for changing reasons. At first it was his drinking, which was far out of hand. However, with the exception of half a glass of champaign at my engagement dinner, he hasn't drank anything in almost 5 months. If you knew my dad, you'd know what an accomplishment this is for him. Then my mom decides it's cause he's not bringing in money for the home. He makes a sale and brings in some money. Now, now I don't know what it is. She goes back east and on the car ride home from the airport she tells me this trip has just made her realize that she needs to divorce my dad once and for all, and she "knows it's not what I want to hear." No freakin' duh, mom. I wanted them to work things out. I hoped so many times (rarely outloud since it'd be too embarassing when it doesn't happen) that they would find a way to be back in love. I can't understand what has happened to make her think this is the only way. Frankly it doesn't matter. She's clearly upset that I don't want to talk about it. "I just thought that you were old and mature enough to talk about this." she says. I respond that you never are old enough to hear about your mom falling out of love with your father.

She also said I've made my allegence clear that I'm with my father by staying with his mother for the majority of the trip. This was not because I hate my mom and her family, but simply because she offered and had room for Kenny and I whereas her side did not. Not to mention she lived in close proximity to all the wedding events I had to attend. Also I stayed with her mother for two uncomfortable nights anyways, sleeping on the floor in her living room.

After dropping her off on Monday I don't talk to her again until Friday night when I see if she wants to meet for lunch the next day (Kenny's idea, not mine, I'm fine not talking to her until Christmas). She says sure, but throws in a guilt dripping "It's nice to hear from you" at the end of the convo. I want to yell the phone works both ways but restrain myself.

Oh, well. The bright side of Christmas is that I get to spend most of it with Kenny's family who has completely welcomed me in. We went over to wrap presents last night and with the rest of the family's stockings was one with my name on it complete with a Donald Duck pin and a Phillies logo on it. I'm going to love being a Mendez.