Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More about weddings

Ok, so even more people are getting married this year. It's like almost crazy at this point. I guess I am at that age where people are settling down and whatnot, but seriously, I've just heard about 2 coworkers who got engaged within the last week, I still have my two weddings that I'm a bridesmaid for coming up in October and December, and I just got back from a wedding last weekend. This is nice that there are good happy times to be had and I think it's beautiful that people are celebrating their love and whatnot, but....I'm going broke trying to keep up with all of them. I just had to order my dress for my cousin's wedding which cost me almost $200, I damn well better get to wear this dress again. Then I realized that I'm needing to pay for my tickets out there. And get a present. And get a present for the bridal shower (which I was invited to, but flying out east for that? hells no), and there's the bachelorette party which sounds uber fun, but jeeze, I don't have frequent flyer miles. Then I still need to get a dress and a present for my friend's birthday in October, I luckily already threw the bridal shower and it's looking more and more likely that I'm going to have to be a big driving force in the bachelorette party too (meaning shell out more money for it). This wedding I went to last week I paid $50 for a present, $120 for a hotel, and my boyfriend paid quite a bit in gas. Not to mention the food and such we had to buy along the way. I was left with a ceremony that was under 2 hours where they tried to convert us all to Baptists and feed us only a slice of cake and some finger foods.

It's definitely getting me thinking about what I'm going to have to do for my wedding. I want to make sure my guests get the bang for their buck, but I also don't want to be going broke paying for it myself. My parents aren't exactly rolling in the money right now but I really do want to celebrate the great union I will partake in. It's just amazing how stressful weddings are, for the people throwing them, for the people going to them, and the people like me who are only hypothetically planning one that might happen in the next couple of years. I feel like I need a nap now...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Real Friends

I'm not entirely sure if I've ever written on this before. I write a lot of blogs that are never actually inputted to my laptop, but this is certainly a topic I've thought of many a time and one at this point in my life is near and dear to my heart.
First off, let me fill all readers in on something that you may or may not know. My mom has asked my dad for a divorce. My parents have been married for 26 years so this is a little bit of a hard pill to swallow. I never once doubted their love for each other. I thought I was one of those lucky folks who would get to plan their parents 50th someday. And even now, the pain and upsetness I feel I can't isolate from the disappointment that I was wrong about things. I'm 24 now, this won't affect me that much. But let me be frank, this sucks. My dad is absolutely desperate to be with my mom and my mom is absolutely desperate to be rid of him. My dad is an alcoholic, this isn't new, but my mom has had enough. He's 4 days sober but that's too little too late. And a whole bunch of other stuff that I'm not fully ready to get into, that's not the point of this blog.
The point is, friends that I thought I was really close to haven't called me up at all, even knowing what I'm going through. I know it's awkward to say "hey, how's your parents divorce going?" but simply asking "how are you doing with everything?" does wonders. I was caught off guard a few weeks back when I was updating a friend on things in my life and he asked how I was doing with my parent situation. It was so refreshing to hear. I got an email from an old friend that I really haven't been close with in over 4 years that I saw last week and updated my life on my parents and he said he was here for me. It's amazing that after so much time and distance has gone by, he's put in any effort to make sure I'm ok at all, and it's so immensely comforting. On the flip of that, my former best friend of the last year and a half only just found out the stuff with my parents and not because she asked how that was going but because I had to explain to her why things were so crappy for me lately. She claims she's missed me, but she's made no effort to do anything with me. I'm just so lost on what's worth trying for and what's not. Who can I talk to? Who can I trust? Who even cares? Eh, enough whining for one night, I'm off to eat ricearoni.