Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Been a while...

This post will be short and sweet, but just long enough to keep any of my readers still interested. I think I'm up to two now! Go me!

Career Life:
Started work at the Tech Museum again. Afternoon class is all boys and they actually listen better than the girls. This may be because they're more interested in creating their own video game than the girls are, or maybe I'm just looking that good these days. Either way I'm happy. Should be an awesome summer. On a funny note, when asked "what kinds of people create video games?" rather then answering "artists" or "programers", one of our campers yelled out "Japenese people!" Hard to deny something that seems so true.

Home Life:
Dad may get a job in Texas. He knows I am not going with him, yet he seems to be under the illusion that my mom and brother might, whereas I'm not as sure. Either way, he seems to be counting chickens that aren't even eggs yet. And he yelled at me for not spending more nights at home. Thanks dad, cause you see all the work I put into the household I barely live at anymore.

Personal Life:
Boyfriend's awesome, I love him. Just got back from the 3rd Disneyland trip of the year. I'll be heading back in a month for a wedding. Season pass was a good idea. And Jessica and I seem to be on the mend. Yays, up to two girl friends now.

That's all for now. Feel free to post any questions, comments, riddles, what have you. Better posts will follow soon.

1 comment:

ZeroIndulgence said...

I think you go to Disneyland too much. Take some of that Disneyland money and go see other parts of the country. Trust me, its worth it!