Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy November!

I haven't written in a while and neither have the two other blogs I read. I think of how upset that makes me and I realize my hypocrisy. So in case someone is quietly reading this, here you go!

Well on the home front we are almost done with our kitchen remodel. I am super stoked about this for a couple of reasons. This is the last big project in the house meaning that once this goes in we don't have anything we'll need to save up for. We'll be done and then we'll just have fun regular home upkeep bills. Also this means we'll get to make meals at home which will be both cheaper and yummier. Especially with the weather the way it is, hot cocoa sounds so yummy and I refuse to make it in the microwave. Pictures to come.

We're also in the early stages of family planning, which I can safely tell my blog no one reads since Ken wanted to tell our folks. To me it feels too early to tell anyone, unless they hound us asking where's the baby to which I've always wanted to tearfully reply "We're trying, but the doctors say we're probably barren." and make the person feel bad for asking such a ridiculous personal life changing question. I mean seriously, do people honestly not think about having kids until that lady they used to work with  that they ran into at the grocery store ask? "Hey honey, I guess society tells us we're supposed to procreate, as we've only got 7 billion people on earth now, we best get to it!" Part of me will be just fine if it's just me and Ken, especially since we got the three adorable kitties. Yet, another part of me yearned to be one of the parents taking their little ones around door to door trick or treating last week. Little girls dressed up as princesses are so damned cute!

And finally on the social scene I have work friends now! Ones I actually see outside of work who invite me to the places they're at. It's pretty sweet. I feel a lot of my high school friends drifting away and I'll be the first to admit that I'm the cause of such things. After a horrible party in 2010 I just didn't see the point in spending my precious little spare time with insults and drama. That's not to say they are bad people, far from it, they're amazing and fun and full of life. I'm not though. I'm a boring middle aged housewife and honestly, that works for me. My weekends aren't well spent going hiking or drinking or playing video games. They're better when spent cleaning or painting or reading. Maybe I'm just becoming an introvert. I don't know. That's something to ponder in a future post. Right now, I'm just happy to get together and bitch about managers with some slightly younger peers who also love How I met your mother.


ZeroIndulgence said...

You don't update your blog enough. I've started writing should too!

Julie said...

Ask and ye shall receive.