Thursday, January 15, 2009


I don't know what I have against it right now. It sounds great in theory. Meet someone kinda cute and somewhat interesting, share a meal, a movie, maybe a kiss if things are going well. If enjoyed, repeat. Hell, as a girl I might not have to pay for any of that. I should be all onboard. But I'm not. That just sounds exhausting. Maybe it's just that I haven't really met anyone kinda cute and somewhat interesting. Maybe it's that I myself don't feel kinda cute and somewhat interesting and the idea of trying to be both for 3+ hours sounds like a lot more work than it's worth. I think I get why people marry young, it's cause they're sick of dating and would rather stay in on a friday night without judgement. I know I'm coming off as sounding bitter and the sad thing is I really have no reason to be. I haven't been hurt that bad in the past. The last guy I fell in love with hasn't rejected me completely but enough to the point where I fell out of love with him and am maybe a little more picky now. But even so, I've given the relationship thing an honest try, and no one can say that I didn't. I guess it's just not the right time for me right now, which sucks cause I'm 24 and my pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer by the year. That said, and I know this sounds cheesy and cliche, but I'd rather be alone than with the wrong person. I guess I'm a bit hopeful that things will just work out for me eventually. Man, I guess I'm just in a cliche mood today. I should quit while I'm ahead.

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