Thursday, February 7, 2013


I honestly don't know how those blogging mom's do it, computer time is next to impossible with an infant. The only reason I'm on facebook as much as I am is cause I can do it one handed on my smart phone. Anyways, here are the updates in all things Julie:

Claire is 3 months old now. She's laughing, she's rolling over, she's 12 pounds, and apparently almost ready for solid foods, crazy how fast she's growing! I'm having so much fun dressing her up. No wonder there are so many teen moms, having a baby is like having a doll that you can dress up and talk to, and eat out at restaurants with without feeling like a crazy loaner. She's starting to talk to us too. We can't figure out what she's saying, but she does talk and make sounds and all kind of coolness. Here she is dressed like a pink nightmare.

I'm an aunt now which is really cool. Ken's sister had a baby boy named Henry. He's a spitting image of his dad. A little more fussy than Claire but still very cute in his own right. Claire seems to enjoy being a cousin, or at least having another baby to look at.

The above was written on December 14, it's now almost two months later and I found myself with the free time to write again. Seriously, how the frack do blogging moms do it?! Anyways, as nap times can vary between an hour and a half and just 5 minutes, I better get my blogging out quickly. Lets see, some updates:

-I'm back at work. I only work 3 days a week, and only 5 hour shifts. It really is the best deal. Claire stays home with grandma who's awesome with her and takes her for walks, and reads to her and watches Sesame Street and all that good stuff.

-We moved from our first house to our last house *Knock on wood*. We're buying Ken's parents house. It's a 5 bedroom/ 4 bathroom home and overwhelmingly beautiful. I'm torn on this. I loved our house, we made it our own, picked out cool paint colors, updated the kitchen. We've been in our new house for a month now and it does not feel like our house. Mostly cause it's filled with Ken's parents stuff, Ken's sister's stuff, and our stuff still mostly in boxes. Once we sell our old house, we buy this one and Ken's parents have money to build Ken's sister and her husbands house which they'll in turn sell to Ken's sister and use that money to build their house and everyone's stuff will be where it belongs. And on that note...

-We apparently picked the perfect time to sell. Our realtor is optimistic on how much our house will go for. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high but so long as we have the 20% for this house (which it looks like we will) and make back the money we put into the old house (which we definitely will), I'll be happy.

-Claire's freaking awesome! She's got two teeth already (one pictured to the right) and it almost crawling and sitting up. I'm uber in love with her and her epicness. When I was pregnant with her I was really hoping for a boy, now I'm really hoping the next one is going to be a girl too, and not just because Ken wants to stop once we get a boy. I'll blog more on that the next time Claire decides a nap is a good idea and I've finished all the chores I need to get done.

-I've joined a mommy group and made lots of friends. It's nice having a group of people that you can hang out with and talk about your kids without feeling bad cause that's all the others want to talk about anyways. That and whipping out the boob to feed your baby is not only ok, but expected. We also do the occasional mom's night out and stuff too though so it's not full on baby crazy.

-We've got an upcoming trip to Disneyworld this year. The trip will overlap my 29th birthday which is cool since I first went for my 9th birthday. It will be with Ken's parents, his sister her husband and son, Ken's grandma, aunt and hopefully Ken's younger sister and her boyfriend too. I'm very excited for this trip. Claire will be one, and therefore free to bring into the park yet still able to walk and stuff. Should be good times.

Anyways, baby's up and I gotta go back to mommying about. I'll try to blog again soon.