Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Just sending some holiday cheer out there to my two readers. I guess I should say Happy Hannakuh as well for half my readership. I was going to wait til I had something official to post (we close escrow on Christmas eve), but I realize that I shouldn't just post when things are good or bad but in between. Since really, isn't that what life's all about? Just waiting for the next thing to happen.

So what has my in between life been up to lately? I was actually well on top of things this Christmas. Had 90% of my gifts bought and wrapped by last week. 70% were actually done about a month ago. I've never been a big Christmas fan. I saw it as a massive headache of buying presents for a bunch of people, some you want to shop for and some you don't. Either way, it costs money and causes stress. There's also the added fun of having two families now. Trying not to let my old family know I prefer the new since they have better games and cook dinner before 7.

Last year was fun but stressful. Ken and I were living in San Jose and came down Christmas eve where I worked at maries in the morning, and headed to my folks house while my mom avoided the rest of us and my uncle awkwardly watched movies with my brother and I while my dad fumbled around the kitchen. Christmas day was spent with Ken's folks with mimosas, great gifts and food, and fun people for the most part. We did have to sleep in the trailer that night as all the beds in the house were taken.

This year I'm excited. We live 2 blocks away from both sets of parents and I have BOTH DAYS OFF! One for my fam and one for his. When asking them about this ages ago my mom brushed off saying she didn't care. Flash forward to the week before Christmas and now spending Christmas eve with them isn't enough. I promised them Christmas dinner next year. Eventually we'll get to the point where we can just invite them over our place and if they don't make it no biggie. Even so, I'm not letting it get me down. I'm full of the holiday cheer. I got great gifts for my family, two fun filled days planed, and a potential cat play date looming. And who knows, maybe there will be house keys in my stocking this year :-)