Thursday, October 22, 2009


I bought a dreamcatcher back in middle school on a trip to the Grand Canyon, just because I thought they looked really cool. I like things that have a superstition or a story behind them even though I rarely believe in them. I liked having a conversation piece in my room that also happened to go along with the pretty pink decor I was trying to establish. Funny thing, about a year or two after hanging it up I realized my nightmares stopped. I never had that many bad dreams to start off with, but I was wracking my brain trying to think of one I had had recently. I chalked this up to both good luck with maybe just a tad of placebo effect. Either way, I was happy.

I moved in with Kenny about 4 months ago leaving pretty much all my room decor back there. Since then I've had at least 2 nightmares a month. There's no theme with this dreams at all, just random bad things happening or people coming to attack me and me trying to get away. Last night I dreamed of a little boy from my summer camp trying to stab the evil out of me. The nightmares do all end the same way, however, me flailing my arms about until Kenny wakes me up and me being confused as to where I'm waking up.

Could me not sleeping by my dream catcher really be affecting this? Or maybe it's just my subconscious dealing with new problems in my life such as my parents divorce in weird abstract form. At the end of the day though, it's really fantastic that I have someone right there to calm my nerves and stroke my hair til I fall back asleep. And if things get really bad, I may just hang up another dream catcher, just in case...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10 reasons to smile today

I feel like I've been complaining a lot lately (and I expect to put a complainy post on here before the week is up) so I'm going to counteract negative energy with a list of 10 things I'm happy for today.

1. Kenny got me a new computer cord since my old one was falling apart and now it stays plugged in at all times.

2. Kenny made me my favorite gnocchi last night when he knew I was having a rough day.

3. I don't have work any day but Sunday this week which is helpful since it's that one week where working is not ideal (and on a related note, totally not pregnant, yay!).

4. Not one, but two ex's have asked me out of the blue if I was engaged this week which means that not one, but two of them see this not only as a real possibility but also something that they're curious enough to know to contact me after weeks or months of no contact at all. Ego has been stroked.

5. I have my dress and shoes all ready for my friends wedding on Saturday where the weather is supposed to be sunny and warm :-)

6. I'm turning 25 in less than two weeks and I'm actually feeling surprised that I'm not 25 already rather than freaking out over getting old like I have been the past 3 years.

7. Hold the nuts drumsticks are like the best thing ever and I still have some in the freezer.

8. Managed not to make a drunken fool out of myself at the bachlorette party last weekend.

9. Found 2 potential apartment complexes that would be nice to move into in February.

10. I'm going to Disneyland in a week and a half!