5. Jem
Ok, so not a band, more of a singer, but still completely underrated. Jem is a Welsh singer who came onto the scene in 2002 and albums include "Finally Woken" and "Down to Earth", rumors of a third to come out soon.
Song they're known for: "Maybe I'm Amazed"A fantastic cover of Paul McCartney's hit which hit it big when featured on the show "The OC"
Song they should be known for: "Just a Ride"
A really fun bubbly hit that conjures up floating through some kind of Disneyland ride or psychadelic mind trip but brings you safely back.
Other great hits: "They"-haunting melody curtosy of Bach's Prelude in F minor; "24"- beautiful violins mixed with electric guitar and a ticking clock, you can't help but getting anxious and feeling the need to run somewhere before it's too late.
4. Jet
Song they're known for: "Are you Gonna Be My Girl"
Has played on numerious commercials as well as plenty of radio airtime. You have heard this song I'm sure.
Song they should be known for: "Look What You've Done"
When I first heard this song I was obsessed. Slow, melodic, but intense. Very similar sounding to something the Beatles would have written, but still a fantastic song on it's on.
Other great hits: "Cold Hard Bitch"- great rock song, sounds like one that would be fun to play in a bar; "Move on"-much slower, reminds me a bit of Pink Floyd's "Wish you were here"; "Kings Horses"- short and sweet, has the feeling that this song is a lot older than it actually is.
3. Harvey Danger
Song they're known for: "Flagpole Sitta"
Featured in many a movie and still gets quite a bit of air time despite being released almost 15 years ago.
Song they should be known for: "Flagpole Sitta"
Yes, they are at least known for what I believe is their best song, but it really is their best song ever. It's the most played song on my ipod and I truly never tire of it.
Other great hits: "Woolly Muffler"- great build up and fun fast guitar work; "Jack the Lion"-my second favorite of the band, great beat and fun chorus.
2. Fountains of Wayne
Song they're known for: "Stacy's Mom"
She does indeed have it going on. I actually briefly considered the name Stacy for a daughter just so I could have another theme song.
Song they should be known for: "Sink to the Bottom"
It's got a very Weezerish feel to it, but being a Weezer fan, I don't mind.
Other great hits: "Hey Julie"- Sure I'm completely biased here since it is an awesome song about how wonderful this chick Julie is, but it really is a sweet song; "...Baby one more time."- a cover of Britney Spear's first hit, they totally make it their own though.
1. Jimmy Eat World
Song they're known for: "The Middle"
A fine but way over played song from 2002, at least got these guys on the radar.
Song they should be known for: "Pain"
Such a great fast paced song that I dare you not to get pumped up when listening to.
Other great hits: "Sweetness"- unbelievably catchy; "Work"-has a sound to it that I can only discribe as Jimmy Eat Worldesq; "Chase This Light"- romantic and heartfelt