Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cause I haven't posted in a while...

I begin this blog only knowing that I'm supposed to write, not knowing what I'll be writing about. I'm tired of only reporting the same old things: parents are divorcing, dad's still drinking, things with the boyfriend are good, things with my job are the same. Hey what do you know, I did that anyways. But there's more to me than bullet points, I'm almost sure of it. I've been planning my future a lot lately which has turned me into one of those people I hate. Those people who are so busy thinking of the next step that they can't even take time to enjoy what they have. But really, I don't feel like I have that much to enjoy right now. I don't mean that how it sounds, life could be way worse than it is, but it's just feeling a little static now and I'm looking forward to a change. Whether that's moving into a place that really feels like I have a right to be there or planning a wedding or starting a new job or caring for a kitten even, I want a change. That's all stuff that's going to happen in the future though. I need to focus on the here and now. Maybe football season will help with that...