Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Celebrity Children

Ok, so we all know that no celebrity can resist naming their kids something weird. We have Tom and Katie's Suri, Brad and Angelina's Shiloh, even a Pilot Inspektor from Jason Lee. Makes Ben and Jennifer's Violet pretty darned normal in comparison. So why the strange names? And why does it seem like the more A list the parent the more out there the name? Well here's my theory: It's so the child can disappear into normal society if they choose to. Lets face it, this child is already going to need loads of therapy and is probably in store for some kind of drug addiction, but there is a chance that they may lead a happy quiet life and that where the weird name helps. Now this may sound a little far fetched, but hear me out. You're not going to forget a name like Suri Cruise. Stick with that name and you'll always stand out in the crowd. But lets say that Suri at a certain point wants to go by Karen. Karen Cruise can easily blend into the crowd. She can be a lawyer, or a teacher, or even just a receptionist at the dentist office. The point is, she has options. At this point you may be saying "Hold up, Julie. Why not just name her Susan and let her change to Karen later?" Good point, here's why not. Cause it's far easier to think "wait, what was Tom and Katie's kid name? I thought it was Susan, but I guess it could have been Karen." whereas no one's going to mistake Suri for Karen. This theory may be completely off, but it at least gives me comfort that celebrities don't hate their kids and are naming them weird things out of love and hope they they can live a normal life, that way I don't have to hate them quite so much.