Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A little older and a little wiser

Well hello being old. I guess 26 isn't that much older than 25 cept now 30 looks ever so close. I mean I guess I can look at the bright side of life, I'm pretty much where I thought I'd be at 26. Well maybe I thought I'd be married already, but the wedding's only a few months off. We're in the early stages of house hunting. We have an adorable kitten. And really we're just putting off kids until we want them. I got a good job, an amazing partner, and a shiny new laptop for my birthday. Huh, I didn't mean for this to start off as a brag about how awesome my life is, but it would seem it has turned into such.

I usually treat birthday's like a form of new years where I make resolutions as to what I'd like see happen in the next year. This next year I can check getting married off the list, but I feel like there's more that I should be working towards. Blogging might be part of there. I have fun reading other's blogs and wish I was more witty/ motivated/ interesting enough to have a blog that others would want to follow. I'm a very social person and have been feeling increasingly antisocial lately. I'm still not sure if this is good or bad. This is the first year that I can remember where I did not have a birthday party. Really, I doubt I'd even be noticing it at all if my family and Ken's family didn't insist on having me over for dinner or what not. Last year I spent my birthday in disneyland getting engaged, this one's bound to be less noteworthy. I think I prefer that though. Like I bragged about early, I have a great life, I have everything I could want. There's no need for presents when I'm going to be getting wedding gifts in a few months. Ken provides me with anything I could want and couldn't afford, and really, there isn't much I would want and not be able to afford.

Maybe this is maturity. I have an acquaintance that spread his birthday out over three days cause he wasn't satisfied with how the first or second attempt went. This dude's in his 30s. That is just so sad to me, but I look at his life and kinda understand it. He's got a part time go nowhere job, no girlfriend, not too many people who could stand him, but who would deny a birthday boy a drink or a pat on the back. He had to milk that sucker for all it's worth. I guess I don't need the attention or the free drinks and gifts because if I wanted to do what I'm doing on my birthday I could, everyday. That's pretty effing cool. So at 27 I want to be here too, maybe in a house vs an apartment, maybe with a bun in the oven, maybe getting more hours at the library, but certainly with another ring on my finger. And certainly with the same awesome people leaving 15+ happy birthday messages on my facebook before 9. Happy birthday, me.